December 8, 2017

Document your days in print.

i love photographs.  they are scattered all over my house – in frames, loose resting on my piano, canvases, and in albums.  my favorite way to print family photos is in our family albums.  the best part about albums??? the joy my kids get looking at them – day after day.  it never gets boring.. they always want to hear about our memories… what life was like before nora was born, that time we went mini golfing and mommy had a huge belly, the time we ate ice cream in the basement on national ice cream day because there was a tornado warning, mommy and daddy’s wedding day (leo ALWAYS tells me how pretty i looked….maybe theres multiple motives here… ;);) ), when nora was a teeny, tiny baby (and maybe she cried a little bit…..) about our family vacations – weeks at the lake, and trips to florida and maine.  there’s also the moments where leo sees a photograph of my grandmother and he remembers the littlest things… like how she always said “hic-hike-hoke” when we had hiccups – hes 5 now (and was 3 when she passed away).. and he remembers that by looking at a photograph of her.  that MEANS something.  thats my motivation to keep going.  to document our days – our life – our everything… so that they can look back someday and say… “remember that time when we went for walks on the evening and listened for trains to go by.”  these moments are everything.  they deserve to be preserved in a way that will last forever.  thats why i started printing albums…



…and its why i print albums for all of you.  because you just can’t replicate when this little lady below was one year old – a little bit grumpy in the beginning of our session and then offered me the best, most natural smiles by the end.  these are the moments that matter… these are the moments that need to be documented and PRINTED.



i love to look at a photograph and feel like i know a family.  to laugh looking at a kiddo being goofy and know that their parents can feel that moment flipping through the pages.


to go back to the time when her toes were smaller than her daddy’s fingers… i want moms to remember what their baby smelled like by looking at her newborn album.  these moments i freeze with my camera – but what really matters is what you do with them.  preserving them in a manner that will last through lifetimes – that can be passed down from generation to generation.


each signature album is custom designed and has many options to make them personalized to you and your family.


the ultra-thick pages will withstand the test of time, and allow you to carry on your family legacy forever.


(albums also help husbands remember what is likely a pretty important day 😉 )


with many cover options and embossing or cameo covers – the possibilities are endless.




i love seeing my stack of photo albums right on the end table in our living room.  it gives the kids easy access and i know that they are being loved every single day.  i also love looking at them and thinking about all the moments yet to come that we will be able to appreciate day after day in our family albums.


print your photos. document your days. the only way a photograph lasts forever is if its printed.

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