August 17, 2016

take the photo, and enjoy the moment.

We’ve been having a super fun, crazy busy summer.  its been full of family and friends, ice cream, lots of swimming at the pool and weekends away!  when we are out and about i try bring my camera with me… everywhere. i throw it in my diaper bag on my way out the door so i can grab it to capture any moment that may happen during our summer adventures!  i love want to document every single event of this fabulous summer we’ve been having, but i’ve also been making a conscious effort to be present.  be present in my kids lives – with my eyes – not just through my camera lens.  i love having so many memories of my children’s lives in images, but i also recognize the importance of being in that moment – it goes by too fast!!

these four are my favorite little people.  watching them grow up is the most amazing experience i could ever imagine.  and i love capturing that with the camera.  of course my sister and i set up this moment to happen – but after we set it up we just watched it unfold.  i grabbed some shots – then we just watched as the four of them interacted with each other.  mason loves holding nora and is definitely her protector, char and leo love to touch her – leo sometimes not so gently.  char and leo often have to be separated because they are two of the most strong willed kids i’ve ever met and their interactions occasionally end in disaster!  within a few minutes they had dispersed and we watched them as the continued to go on snake hunts at nanna and fati’s, drive each other around in the pooh car and blow bubbles.  its amazing how one photograph can help me remember all of these things.  it takes me back to the day and i remember how much we laughed as we tried to get one shot of all of them.  moments with our kids go by way too fast, as all of our parents can attest to. so take your photo, then enjoy that moment!

we were out at chickenwood and the boys got to ride on B’s tractor – which of course is the highlight of their day (maybe even their week).  they crossed over the field on that awesome yellow tractor with the mountains and trees in the background and i thought “how can i not get this?!”  so i ran inside to get the camera and ran out quick to snap this shot of leo with one of his favorite people, B.  then i put my camera away – and watched the excitement and pure joy on his face as they rounded the corner back to where we were standing watching.  i’m so thankful to have this shot of him riding, but also thankful that leo saw me watching him to see the complete happiness on his face.  it takes one shot – just one to remember how that felt.

sometimes its hard to put down your camera for a few minutes – because you’re afraid of missing any moment… which i definitely struggle with sometimes!  but i’ve also realized how important it is to see things, and how amazing it is that feelings and memories flood back to you with just one photo.  one image of leo dancing on the boardwalk at disney world and i remember that whole night – watching the fireworks, eating ice cream at peaches and cream and being with some of my most favorite people in the world.  so yes bring your camera everywhere, and yes take your photos, but also make sure you’re present.. just you.. no camera 🙂

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